
Wearing Our Cotton

Natural Fiber Clothing: 100% cotton

Watch the videos "Wearing Cotton" that the LAMAMITA has put at your disposal in one page.
Every time a new video will be published, you can find it here. will be updated every time a new video is available.

"Sea" silk scarves: soft and elegant!

The "Sea" silk and cotton scarf is perfect for every season. Handcrafted, they are made with a wonderfully reversible fabric.
Check out the video

Samba top: perfect for summer!

A splendid look all yours with the SAMBA Top! Loom-woven fabrics with an ancient weaving technique called Jaspe

The New Suna dress

Made of pure cotton by the best craftsmen of Guatemala, this beautiful dress embodies an ancient elegance.

Sabrina Skirt

A skirt for every woman, witty and comfortable, the Sabrina skirt owes its name to the woman who inspired it.
